Passive House Multi-Family | Good for All is Good for One - How Passive House Qualities Benefit both Occupants & Owner

Watch the recording of a recent webinar hosted by Passive House California (PHCA) and Shane Pollin.

Given the importance of occupant satisfaction, particularly in the multi-family residential sector, Owners should consider how they can design their buildings to achieve occupant satisfaction.  A survey of articles describing passive house buildings reveals a number of characteristics which are common to the buildings constructed to this standard.  These characteristics embody certain qualities which are highly desirable to both owners and occupants.  Given the desirability of these qualities, the question becomes what strategies can be employed to ensure the presence of the desired characteristics.  The answer is the Passive House principles of building design and construction.

Passive House Multi-Family – Good for All is Good for One (webinar recording from Passive House California, PHCA).


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